Building Material Stores

Part of Oral Answers to Questions — British Army – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 20 May 1947.

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Item.Tonnage to be retained.Tonnage declared or in process of being declared surplus.Total Tonnage.Remarks.
In linked depots at Woolton, Halewood, Ditton and Widnes.
Decauville Track15,00015,000Required for export to U.S.S.R.
Hutting and Hutting components (including asbestos sheets, etc.)3,0003,000These stocks are controlled by the Ministry of Works who are working out distribution Total stocks are below over all requirements of all Departments.
Victaulic piping 6" x 4"5,0005,000
Cast Iron stove pipes1,0001,000
Water tanks4006001,000
At a separate depot in Halewood.
Corrugated galvanized Iron.1,1001,000Demands exceed availability.
Steel section (angles, plate, etc.).1,0001,000Demands exceed availability.
Water piping 3"600600Required for use this year. In process of issue.
Square mesh track250250Airfield track stores. The question of retention is under Consideration.
Road tar200200
In Command Depot at Chester.
General building stores. Mainly 4" stoneware400100500A considerable amount of stores have already been declared surplus and re moved from the Depot. It is in course of being closed down and existing stocks are under review for retention or further disposal.