Clause 7. — (Additional powers of the Minister with respect to development plans.)

Part of Orders of the Day — Part Ii – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 13 May 1947.

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Photo of Mr Lewis Silkin Mr Lewis Silkin , Camberwell Peckham 12:00, 13 May 1947

I beg to move, in page 7, line 10, to leave out "it appears to the Minister," and to insert: the Minister is satisfied, after holding a local inquiry. The purpose of Clause 7 is to enable the Minister, where he considers that the local planning authority has been dilatory and is not likely to be able to submit a development plan within the appropriate time, to take action in default. Representations were made in Committee that this action should not take place except after a public local inquiry. The Amendment is designed to meet that point. The Minister will not be able to act until after a local inquiry has been held.