Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 24 April 1947.
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that the current allocation of coal to the North Walsham Steam Laundry in Norfolk, employing nearly 300 people, has been reduced to a figure which will permit of only a 3½-day week being worked; and if he will authorise a more adequate amount being made available.
Following on the recent increase in coal supplies for industry, the allocation to this laundry has been reviewed, and, as from 21st April, substantially increased.
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that the drastic cuts in allocation of fuel to laundries in Cornwall will make it impossible for the laundries adequately to serve the hospitals; and if he will give immediate consideration to this matter.
Following on the recent increase in coal supplies for industry generally, the allocations to all laundries in Cornwall have been reviewed, and, as from 21st April, substantially increased.
While appreciating the Minister's reply, may I ask him to bear in mind the needs of the Lizard Laundry, because, apart from serving a wide naval area, it looks after personnel at a Fleet Air Arm aerodrome, and, to a considerable extent, an adjacent industrial area?