Burma (Failure of Constitutional Machinery)

Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 2 April 1947.

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Photo of Mr Arthur Henderson Mr Arthur Henderson , Kingswinford 12:00, 2 April 1947

It would be October, 1948. As regards information as to a possible time table, I would remind the right hon. Gentleman that under the terms of the agreement which was arrived at in London in January of this year, it was provided that during the period of transition the government of Burma will be carried on as at present, under the special powers o Section 139 of the Act of 1935, and the Government of Burma (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1945, together with any Orders in Council made there-under.

The main action that has been taken, as the right hon. Gentleman well knows, was the Proclamation issued in December, 1942, just prior to the invasion of Burma by the Japanese. That is the constitutional basis upon which the Governor of Burma operates today, together, of course, with the various Orders in Council and Proclamations that have been made. All I can say with regard to the time-table is, that the date upon which we would hope to cease coming to this House for authority to have these Proclamations confirmed, and to ask for approval of Orders in Council, will depend upon the tempo of the work of the constitutional Constituent Assembly, which will meet soon, after the Elections in Burma, which, as the right hon. Gentleman again knows, are to take place in a few days', time. I do not think he would expect me to be able to give any more specific information until we see how the work of the Constituent Assembly makes progress.