Oral Answers to Questions — Austria (Visitors)

– in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 2 April 1947.

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Photo of Sir Edward Keeling Sir Edward Keeling , Twickenham 12:00, 2 April 1947

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how soon business men and tourists will be allowed to visit Austria.

Photo of Mr John Hynd Mr John Hynd , Sheffield, Attercliffe

Business men have for a considerable time been travelling to Austria at the rate of 20 to 30 a month. More are accommodated on special occasions. At the present time nearly a 100 have gone to the Vienna Fair. In regard to tourists, a scheme for the British, French and U.S. zones has been agreed and a few tourists have actually gone to resorts in the French zone of Austria for winter sports.

Photo of Sir Edward Keeling Sir Edward Keeling , Twickenham

Is it intended to extend the facilities for tourists, as without a large number of tourists Austria cannot possibly hope to balance her imports?

Photo of Mr John Hynd Mr John Hynd , Sheffield, Attercliffe

Of course, the facilities in Austria at the present time are very severely limited. The Austrian Government themselves are in control of the number of tourists that can be accommodated, and I have no doubt that, in the interests of their foreign exchange position, they will increase those facilities to the maximum.

Photo of Mr Evelyn Walkden Mr Evelyn Walkden , Doncaster

Can the Minister tell us how many of those tourists, who have gone to Vienna for winter sports, are coal miners and agricultural workers from Great Britain?