Wireless Reception Arrangements

Oral Answers to Questions — African Colonies – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 12 March 1947.

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Photo of Lieut-Colonel David Price-White Lieut-Colonel David Price-White , Caernarvon District of Boroughs 12:00, 12 March 1947

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the annual fee for a wireless licence in Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda; and how it relates to the average annual wage of an unskilled labourer in these territories.

Mr. Creech Jones:

The annual fee for a wireless receiving licence in Kenya is 30 shillings. Licences are not issued in Tanganyika and Uganda. The average annual wage of an unskilled labourer in these territories is about £36. The cost of a receiving set, rather than the cost of the licence, is the factor limiting private listening in this income group. The difficulty has been partially met by introducing communal receiving sets, and expansion of these facilities is now under examination.

Photo of Lieut-Colonel David Price-White Lieut-Colonel David Price-White , Caernarvon District of Boroughs

In view of the alleged benefit that will accrue to Africans from the possession of wireless sets, will the right hon. Gentleman see that there is a reduction in the existing fee of 30s.?

Mr. Creech Jones:

We are trying to bridge the gap by arranging for wireless sets to be installed in villages, and also by way of the communal arrangements referred to in my answer.