Press Correspondents (Facilities)

Oral Answers to Questions — Palestine – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 12 March 1947.

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Photo of Hon. Michael Astor Hon. Michael Astor , Surrey Eastern 12:00, 12 March 1947

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if correspondents and newsreel photographers of foreign countries, particularly the U.S.A., are being given every facility to report on the actions of Jewish terrorists in Palestine.

Mr. Creech Jones:

Yes, Sir. All possible facilities are given to correspondents and newsreel photographers of foreign countries for reporting on actions of Jewish terrorists in Palestine. They are allowed the greatest possible freedom of movement.

Photo of Mr Tom Driberg Mr Tom Driberg , Maldon

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that some of the American representatives in Palestine are, unfortunately, rather more sympathetic with the terrorists than with the troops, who are doing a very difficult job, on behalf of Anglo-American oil interests and so on, without very much help from America?