Siamese Rice (Payment)

Oral Answers to Questions — Food Supplies – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 24 February 1947.

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Photo of Sir Walter Fletcher Sir Walter Fletcher , Bury 12:00, 24 February 1947

asked the Minister of Food whether the arrangement recently made by the Tripartite Commission in Siam that 50 per cent. of foreign currency received from the sale of the commodity should be paid to the producer or holder thereof, has now been extended to rice.

Photo of Dr Edith Summerskill Dr Edith Summerskill , Fulham West

No, Sir. The Siamese Government have issued a regulation that 10 per cent. of foreign currency accruing from the sales of rice should be paid to the exporters thereof. This arrangement came into operation on 30th January, 1947.

Photo of Sir Walter Fletcher Sir Walter Fletcher , Bury

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that 50 per cent. is being paid to producers of most other commodities and that as 50 per cent. is being paid she will not get her rice if only 50 per cent. is paid to exporters? Is she also aware that this is contrary to the advice of her own advisers on the spot?

Photo of Dr Edith Summerskill Dr Edith Summerskill , Fulham West

The hon. Member has special knowledge of the subject and should know that 50 per cent. is paid for teak and rubber, and there are only small exports of these commodities. We cannot dictate to the Siamese Government.

Photo of Sir Walter Fletcher Sir Walter Fletcher , Bury

They dictate to the Department.