Parents' Pensions (Petition)

Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 11 February 1947.

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Photo of Mr Victor Collins Mr Victor Collins , Taunton 12:00, 11 February 1947

I beg leave to present to the House a petition signed by some100,000 members and supporters of the National League of British Parents from all parts of the United Kingdom. The Petition draws attention to the fact that parents of serving men and women in His Majesty's Forces are suffering injustice and hardship through loss of income to the home. The Petition points out further that when their sons or daughters give their lives in the country's service there is no pension to the parents except on the basis of a means test. This is contrary to the practice during the 1914–18 war when a flat rate pension plus supplementation based on loss of income to the home was awarded.

The Petition also points out that material losses due to enemy action are compensated. Wherefore your petitioners pray that legislation shall be introduced cancelling the means test and substituting an allowance or pension for the loss sustained; and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.