Oral Answers to Questions — Post Office

– in the House of Commons on 5 February 1947.

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    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he is aware that letters sent by airmail to Northern Ireland cost 5½d., whereas letters sent by airmail to Switzerland cost only 5d.; and...

  • Empire Airmail (4 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he is aware that an airmail letter to Australia costs 2s. 6d. per oz.; that the rate from U.S.A. to Australia has recently been reduced from 70 cents to...

  • Winkleigh (2 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General when the second postal delivery, which was cancelled at Winkleigh in 1939, is to be started again.

  • Telephone Service (10 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if steps can be taken to extend the exchange equipment at the Swindon telephone exchange, and to lay additional underground cables to serve the Swindon district.

  • Late-fee Facilities (6 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he will now restore the prewar late-fee posting facilities on Post Office carriages attached to mail trains, particularly the 7.20 p.m. Bristol-York...

  • Unestablished Officers (4 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he will review the conditions of long-service men in the Post Office in view of the number who are employed for many years and yet retire without a...

  • Postcard Postage (4 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what would be the cost to the Exchequer of reducing the cost of postage on postcards from 2d. to 1d.; and what is the estimated total number of postcards...

  • Surplus Income (8 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General the total profit made by the Post Office during 1946, including the telephone and telegraph services, separately.

  • Mail Carrying Contract (Termination) (14 speeches)

    asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if Messrs. Macnamara were invited to submit a tender for a fresh contract before the decision was taken to dispense with their services.