Agriculture [Money]

– in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 3 February 1947.

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Resolution reported: That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session (in this Resolution referred to as the Act') to make further provision for agriculture, it is expedient to authorise: —

  1. A. The payment out of moneys provided by Parliament of expenses of any Minister of the Crown incurred under the Act—
    1. (i) in providing guaranteed prices and assured markets for producers of fat cattle, fat sheep, fat pigs, milk, eggs, wheat, barley, oats, rye, potatoes, sugar beet or other produce specified by order under the Act;
    2. (ii) in securing good estate management and good husbandry;
    3. (iii) in making contributions to the losses, calculated by reference to estimates or otherwise as provided by the Act, incurred by smallholdings authorities in the provision and management of smallholdings (including expenditure in respect of proposals which are not carried out) of an amount not exceeding three-quarters thereof, in making loans for providing working capital for tenants of smallholdings not exceeding three-quarters of the estimated amount thereof, in making grants or loans to co-operative societies concerned with the conduct of smallholdings, in providing smallholdings, and in the exercise of powers of smallholdings authorities transferred to the Minister:
    4. (iv) in obtaining statistical and other information relating to agriculture (including the payment of allowances to statistics advisory committees);
    5. (v) in acquiring land by agreement or compulsorily, and whether by way of purchase, hiring or taking possession;
    6. (vi) in managing, farming or otherwise dealing with land acquired by the Minister as aforesaid and in providing facilities for tenants and workers on land managed by him;
    7. (vii) in making grants for drainage, the improvement of ditches and the supply of water to agricultural land in making contributions towards the cost of acquiring. transporting and spreading lime;
    8. (viii) in respect of the prevention of damage to agriculture by animals and birds;
    9. (ix) in providing agricultural goods and services;
    10. (x) in defraying the expenses of the Agricultural Land Commission, the Welsh Agricultural Land Sub-Commission. the Agricultural Land Tribunals and the County Agricultural Executive Committees established under the Act and of sub-committees and district committees of the said Committees, and in paying salaries, wages or allowances to members, assessors, officers and servants thereof or thereto and to members of a committee to advise on the calculation of compensation for tenants' improvements on agricultural holdings.
  2. B. The payment into the Exchequer of any receipts under the Act of a Minister of the Crown or the said Agricultural Land Commssion or any other persons exercising functions on behalf of a Minister of the Crown.
  3. C. The payment out of moneys provided by Parliament of any sums which apart from the Act would be authorised to be paid out of the Small Holdings and Allotments Account, and the payment into the Exchequer of any sums which apart from the Act would be authorised to be paid into that Account and of any balance in that Account at the date of the winding up thereof under the Act.
  4. D. The release in consideration of the transfer to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of land, or land and other property, belonging to land settlement associations, of debts due to the said Minister from such associations."

Resolution agreed to.