Oral Answers to Questions — Food Supplies – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 3 February 1947.
asked the Minister of Food what is the estimated potato tonnage available for public consumption in this country between now and August, 1947; whether he estimates that this will be sufficient for public requirements; or what action he is taking to obtain supplies of potatoes from overseas.
asked the Minister of Food if he will make a statement regarding the potato stocks in this country at the latest date; and how do these stocks compare with last year's figures.
The January stocks census shows that supplies of potatoes of the 1946 crop available for consumption are almost exactly the same as those of a year ago. Consumption is, however, running at a higher rate than last year and there would be cause for anxiety if no action were taken. I am, therefore, both arranging for imports and putting in hand with the full cooperation of the trade a voluntary scheme for limiting the present high rate of off-take.
Can the Minister give' an assurance that there will be no rationing of potatoes?
I see no reason to ration them, because I have the full co-operation of the trade in these matters.
That is a very valuable suggestion.