Oral Answers to Questions — Burma – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 3 February 1947.
asked the Under-Secretary of State for Burma whether he will make a statement on the disturbances in Yamethin and elsewhere in Burma.
I have received a report from the Government of Burma which states that in the Pyinmana sub-Division of Yamethin district, the Shweg-yin sub-Division of Toungoo district, the Thayetmyo district and, to a lesser extent, part of the Myingyan district, there are a number of large gangs of dacoits operating with Communist support. The civil authorities have the active assistance of the military in dealing with these gangs and the situation is now less serious than it was a few week ago.
What is meant in this case by "the military," who are assisting in putting down these gangs?
British Indian as well as Burman troops have been employed.