Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 28 January 1947.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that while in 1945 Cumber land had a total of 106,269 acres under cereals and potatoes, and the purchase value of the machinery held by its A.E.C. was £84,000, the neighbouring county of Dumfries had 57,354 acres under cereals and potatoes, but the purchase value of machinery held by its A.E.C. was only 24,000; and if he will authorise the supply to the Dumfriesshire A.E.C. of potato planters, potato sorters and grain driers.
Machinery in committees' areas is intended only as a supplement to that held by the farmers and agricultural contractors themselves, and my information is that on this basis the equipment provided in Dumfriesshire has hitherto been adequate.
If I could show the Minister that is not so would he be prepared to examine it?
Certainly, Sir. I am willing to do everything to help in the development of agriculture in Scotland.