Government Rubber Stocks

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 23 January 1947.

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Photo of Sir Waldron Smithers Sir Waldron Smithers , Orpington 12:00, 23 January 1947

asked the President of the Board of Trade how much rubber was in Government hands at the latest available date; and what is the cost per lb.

Photo of Sir Stafford Cripps Sir Stafford Cripps , Bristol East

On 27th December last Government stocks of natural rubber in the United Kingdom were 0164,048 tons with an average c.i.f. cost of 14⅝d. per lb.

Photo of Sir Waldron Smithers Sir Waldron Smithers , Orpington

Would the right hon. and learned Gentleman say, in view of the publication of the White Paper on economic conditions and his speech in the country, what loss there is to the taxpayer? Will he repeat his decision to restore a free market for the rubber commodity and stop the suicidal policy of bulk purchasing in this country? May I' have an answer, please?

Photo of Sir Stafford Cripps Sir Stafford Cripps , Bristol East

The answer is in the negative.

Photo of Lieut-Commander Joseph Braithwaite Lieut-Commander Joseph Braithwaite , Holderness

Is not the present stock price of rubber 3d. lower than that indicated by the right hon. Gentleman?

Photo of Sir Stafford Cripps Sir Stafford Cripps , Bristol East

Until more arrivals come from Singapore, rubber "is at present being sold at 15 13/16ths pence per lb.