Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 22 January 1947.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (1) how many of the 57 officers promoted to the rank of captain and commander, respectively, as announced in the half-yearly list of 1st January, commenced their service careers in the ranks;
(2) how many of the six captains who were promoted to rear-admiral on 8th January, 1947, commenced their career in the ranks.
Mr. Dugdale:
Six captains in the Executive Branch have recently been promoted to rear-admiral, 18 commanders to captain, and 35 lieutenant-commanders to commander. One of the captains promoted to rear-admiral, and four of the officers promoted to commander, began their naval careers on the lower deck.
In view of the small number promoted in this way, will my hon. Friend bear in mind that in the more ancient Merchant Navy, since the days of Canute, the most excellent practice of promoting men serving before the mast has been followed? Will he consider introducing this desirable practice to a greater extent?
Have not British naval officers had for many hundreds of years throughout the world the unrivalled reputation of being the best in the world?