
Oral Answers to Questions — Palestine – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 22 January 1947.

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Photo of Colonel Ralph Glyn Colonel Ralph Glyn , Abingdon 12:00, 22 January 1947

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what was the total casualty rate in Palestine during 1946, indicating killed and wounded separately, and to which forces they were attached, or in the case of civilians, indicating how many were Jews and how many Arabs and whether armed or unarmed.

Mr. Creech Jones:

I have asked the High Commissioner for Palestine for the information required and I will communicate with the hon. Member as soon as I am in a position to do so.

Photo of Colonel Ralph Glyn Colonel Ralph Glyn , Abingdon

In view of the importance of this House ascertaining the facts as a basis for debate, would the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to see that the answer is printed in HANSARD and made public?

Mr. Creech Jones:

I will certainly see that that is done.

Photo of Sir Godfrey Nicholson Sir Godfrey Nicholson , Farnham

Can the right hon. Gentleman also say how many capital sentences have been passed in connection with these outrages and how many have been carried into effect?

Mr. Creech Jones:

I would like notice of that question