
Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Malaya and Singapore – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 22 January 1947.

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I. Constitution

  1. (a)The necessity for a strong Central Government is recognised, with authority in all matters of importance to the welfare and progress of the country as a whole, while the individuality of the component States and Settlements (which would retain certain functions, both in the field of administration and local legislation) is preserved. It is accordingly proposed that the present structure should be changed so that the nine Malay States and the British Settlements of Penang and Malacca may be grouped together under a representative central government and with certain powers retained in the States and Settlements, the association being called "The Federation of Malaya."
  2. (b) The title of "Governor" should be replaced by that of "High Commissioner." The High Commissioner should have an Executive Council with administrative functions throughout Malaya in Federal matters.
  3. (c) The central Legislative Council under the High Commissioner would have powers to legislate on all the most important subjects and would be composed of 14 officials, 11 unofficial representatives of the State and Settlement Councils (see (d)below) and 23 other unofficial who would in the early stages (i.e. until it becomes possible to establish a system of elections) to be nominated by the High Commissioner.
  4. (d) There should be Legislatures in each State (with the name of "Council of State") and in the Settlements of Malacca and Penang, which would legislate on all matters not reserved to the central authority.
  5. (e)In each State there should also be a State Executive Council presided over by His Highness the Ruler, with executive authority in a number of fields of local administration.
  6. (f) There should be a conference of Rulers which would enable Their Highnesses the Rulers to be kept in touch with important problems affecting the Federation, to consult with each other, and to meet the High Commissioner at least three times a year.