Scottish War Casualties

Oral Answers to Questions — British Army – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 5 June 1945.

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Photo of Mr Robert McIntyre Mr Robert McIntyre , Motherwell 12:00, 5 June 1945

asked the Prime Minister the numbers of Scots casualties since 3rd September, 1939.

Photo of Mr Winston Churchill Mr Winston Churchill , Epping

A great deal of time and trouble would be required to make an exact analysis of the Scottish casualties. They served in many regiments and divisions besides those of their own countrymen, and many Scottish regiments contained a large proportion of English. We have not got a foundation list of soldiers by birth, but only by residence. Surely it is enough to say that no more splendid record exists than that of the Scottish nation in this war, although one might sometimes have a word for London and a few other places in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Photo of Mr Robert McIntyre Mr Robert McIntyre , Motherwell

Would it not be possible to give the figure for those domiciled in Scotland in 1939?

Photo of Mr Winston Churchill Mr Winston Churchill , Epping

I should be the last to wish to keep under a leaf the glories of Scotland, but I cannot undertake, without careful consideration, to attempt to make these very difficult analyses of race. Suffice it to say that they have been the first, or one of the first, in every famous engagement.