Merchandise Marks Act.

Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce. – in the House of Commons at on 4 July 1939.

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Photo of Hon. Oliver Stanley Hon. Oliver Stanley , Westmorland

As the hon. Member is aware, the views of the commercial, industrial and agricultural interests affected have been obtained on the representations made to me that the existing option to mark goods which require an indication of origin under the Merchandise Marks Act, 1926, with the word "Foreign" or "Empire," as the case may be, instead of with a definite indication of the country of origin should be withdrawn. It is clear that there is still considerable divergence of opinion on the subject amongst interested parties, but, nevertheless, my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture and I have reached the conclusion that there are sufficient grounds in principle for removing the option to use the word "Foreign" or "Empire." Traders in this country have stocks which have been marked in accordance with the existing law and the change must be made in such a way as to avoid loss or undue inconvenience to them. The practical difficulties that arise are now being studied.