Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry. – in the House of Commons at on 4 July 1939.
asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can state the reasons why the Black rod Pit, employing 150 men, is closing down; whether he is taking any steps to keep it open; whether he is aware that in this area of Aspull, Blackrod, Hindley and Westhoughton, where 12 years ago about 10,000 persons were employed in coalmining, every one of the 18 collieries is now closed down; and has he any information as to any of them being re-opened?
I am informed that the Blackrod Pit, owned by the Westhoughton Coal and Cannel Company Limited, is being closed as a result of heavy costs incurred by the owners in a recent law suit, and that the pit material is being withdrawn preparatory to abandonment. In these circumstances I am afraid there are no steps which I could usefully take to keep the Blackrod Pit open. I am informed, however, that the supply basic tonnage of the pit has been purchased by the Chamber Colliery Company, Limited; and the closing of the Blackrod Pit may, therefore, not lead to less employment in Lancashire as a whole. With regard to the last part of the question, I am aware that no mines are now producing coal in the urban districts named, but I regret that so far as is known there is no prospect of any of the Westhoughton mines being re-opened at an early date.
Is the Secretary for Mines aware that the Blackrod Pit is being closed consequent upon legal costs which have resulted from a quarrel between two colliery companies because they were flooding each other's mine? Is it not possible for the hon. Gentleman to take steps to prevent any such thing happening in future?
I will consider that, but I do not think I can make any comment on the case, because I understand it is the subject of an appeal.
Is the hon. Member aware that the total legal costs of these two companies as fixed in the High Court was far greater than the costs which would have been necessary to keep both pits open?
I cannot make any comment on the case, as it is the subject of an appeal.
Is the hon. Member aware that the quota was taken to a pit 20 miles away and that nothing has been done to get the men taken from one pit to another?