Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry. – in the House of Commons at on 4 July 1939.
asked the Secretary for Mines whether the clinics for the treatment of rheumatism and other diseases in the Durham coalfields are giving satisfaction; and if the extension of such clinics to other mining areas is contemplated?
The proposal to build and equip a rheumatism clinic at Horden Colliery Baths by means of grants from the Miners' Welfare Fund has not yet been carried out, as it has had to await the settlement of financial questions by those concerned locally. I hope these difficulties will soon be overcome. As regards the second part of the question, I am informed that this is the only clinic at present contemplated by the Miners' Welfare Committee.
If these clinics are a success from the point of view of improving health, will the Secretary for Mines see to it that no delay takes place in extending such clinics to other coalfields?
This clinic is regarded as an experiment from the point of view of making its application more widely extended.
Can the hon. Gentleman say whether reference will be made to this matter in his annual report?
Yes, Sir, I will consider it.
I think that it is a very interesting development, and I have strong hopes that the difficulties which have arisen will speedily be got over.
Can the hon. Gentleman say that the preliminary reports on this matter are very satisfactory, and that where this system is employed the men are very glad to take advantage of it?
Yes, Sir, I think that that may well be the case.