Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry.

– in the House of Commons on 4 July 1939.

Alert me about debates like this

  • Safety in Mines. (25 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines to what extent and in what direction has administrative action been taken in consequence of the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Safety in Mines?

  • Inspections, Lancashire. (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines the number of inspections made by His Majesty's inspectors this year in Lancashire; and the number made on afternoon shifts and on night shifts?

  • Research Station, Buxton. (2 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines what steps are being taken to enable Members of Parliament, men and boys employed in the mining industry, and others interested to view the work that is done at the...

  • Producer-Gas. (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has now considered the report of the Glasgow Corporation transport engineers on the use of producer-gas; and, if so, what action does he propose to take...

  • Oil Extraction. (2 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines what action is being taken to increase the production of by-products to be obtained from coal; and whether it is intended to erect a Fischer-Tropsch plant or similar...

  • Accident, Astley Green Colliery. (8 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has decided to have a court of inquiry into the cause of the death of five persons at Astley Green Colliery, Lancashire, on 6th June last; if so, will he...

  • Coppice Colliery, Heath Hayes. (4 speeches)

    Mr. Adamson: asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that between 300 and 400 miners have been dismissed from the Coppice Colliery, Heath Hayes, Staffordshire, whilst the remainder of...

  • Quota (Transfer). (7 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that the transfer of quotas from one colliery owner to another does, in many cases, cause the closing down of collieries, and distress follows in...

  • France (Imports). (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines what the respective portions of French coal imports from Britain and Germany, respectively, amounted to in tonnage and percentage for each of the years 1928 to date?

  • Clinics. (10 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether the clinics for the treatment of rheumatism and other diseases in the Durham coalfields are giving satisfaction; and if the extension of such clinics to...

  • Nottinghamshire (Statistics). (5 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines the average yearly output of coal per man, the value at pithead prices of this annual output, and the average annual wage of the workers in the Nottinghamshire coal...

  • Seams (Records). (2 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether the Mines Department have records as to when the different seams of coal in the various coalfields were commenced to be worked and when further operations...

  • Accidents (Weekly Analysis). (2 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether, in the weekly statement of accidents in the mines and quarries of the United Kingdom which he has decided to publish, he will give the character of the...

  • Anglo-German Discussions. (2 speeches)

    Mr. Jenkins: asked the Secretary for Mines whether the negotiations for an international agreement between the British and German coalowners, commenced in the early part of this year, are still...

  • Closed Pits (Lancashire). (7 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can state the reasons why the Black rod Pit, employing 150 men, is closing down; whether he is taking any steps to keep it open; whether he is aware that...

  • Mining Operations (Damage to Houses, Ince). (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been called to the serious concern of the urban district council of Ince-in-Maker-field at the extensive damage caused by mining...