Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture. – in the House of Commons at on 26 June 1939.
Mr. Adamson:
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that landowners are inserting clauses in leases to provide that one-half of any subsidy received by the farmers shall be passed on to the landowner; and whether this practice is in accordance with the Government's intentions?
I am not aware that landowners axe acting in the manner mentioned in the question nor can I find any evidence to this effect after such inquiry as has been possible in the limited time at my disposal, but if the hon. Member has any information on the subject I should be pleased to consider it. Any such practice would not be in accordance with the Government's intention.
I have said that I shall be glad to consider any evidence.
Is it not the case that the provisions of the Act which deals with this matter prevent a landowner inserting such a ridiculous clause in a lease?
It would in a normal case be an alteration in the lease, and it would be a much bigger thing, I think, than the hon. Member for Cannock (Mr. Adamson) suggests.