Grass Land (Ploughing-Up Grant).

Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture. – in the House of Commons at on 5 June 1939.

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Photo of Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith , Petersfield

As I have already announced, the primary object of the grants for ploughing up grass land is to make more land immediately available, if the need arises, for the production of arable crops on existing agricultural holdings. In the alternative event, it is intended that the land should be re-seeded with a view to securing improved pasture. The use of such land for allotments and allotment gardens necessitating as it would the severance of the land from the existing holdings would not, therefore, generally be in accord with the purposes for which the grants are offered. I would also remind the hon. Member that it is not proposed to pay grants in respect of areas of less than two acres.