Oral Answers to Questions — Public Health. – in the House of Commons at on 9 March 1939.
Mr. De la Bère:
asked the Minister of Health whether, with a view to protecting the public, he will introduce legislation to prevent the big combine millers from depreciating the quality of flour and bread?
The Food and Drugs Act, 1938, which comes into operation on 1st October next, enables regulations to be made for the control of the treatment of flour for sale or for use in the making of bread. The question of issuing regulations when the Act is in operation will be carefully considered.
Mr. De la Bère:
Is my right hon. Friend aware of the increasing weight of public opinion against these big combines, and is he not aware that the Board of Trade will not be able to conceal and protect them indefinitely?
Do I understand from the right hon. Gentleman that he has evidence that the millers are depreciating the value of flour and bread?
I merely say that this is an Act which will come into operation on 1st October, and that the question of issuing regulations will be considered when the Act is in operation.
Will the right hon. Gentleman say what is meant by "improvers" that are added to flour, such as calcium, and will he eliminate them as being deleterious to the public?
All these things will be taken into consideration in any regulations that are issued.
Is it not a fact that this country has the best bread and flour in the world?