Oral Answers to Questions — Allowances in Kind.

– in the House of Commons at on 9 March 1939.

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Photo of Mr James Griffiths Mr James Griffiths , Llanelly

asked the Minister of Labour whether the Unemployment Assistance Board has requested the advisory committees to interview un employed persons with a view to advising as to whether allowances should be paid in cash or in kind; whether any instructions have been issued to the advisory committees in this matter; and, if so, will he state the nature of the instructions?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

The advisory committees as part of their normal duties consider individual cases referred to them for advice. No instructions in this matter have been issued by the Board, apart from a circular sent to the committees when they were first set up indicating the nature of their functions. I am sending the hon. Member a copy.

Photo of Mr James Griffiths Mr James Griffiths , Llanelly

How it is that only now, four years after the Unemployment Assistance Board has been set up, that we have the first cases of this kind?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

I do not think that is so. Perhaps the hon. Member will see my answer to the next question, which will show what the proportion is.

Photo of Mr Tom Smith Mr Tom Smith , Normanton

May we take it that these cases are only the cases that are described as special cases in the Act of Parliament?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

There is no doubt about that. They are special cases, and if the hon. Member will take note of the next answer he will see that.

Photo of Mr James Griffiths Mr James Griffiths , Llanelly

asked the Minister of Labour the numbers of unemployed who have been issued allowances in kind by the Unemployment Assistance Board on account of their poor industrial record; what are the circumstances that are taken to establish a poor industrial record; and whether the issue of vouchers is intended as a penalty upon applicants who are alleged to be not genuinely seeking work?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

Determinations providing for the issue of allowances partly in kind under Section 40 of the Act are not made solely on account of a poor industrial record; but the applicant's industrial record may be one of the factors taken into account in considering all the circumstances of the case as required by the Section. On 28th January last there were in all 733 determinations current which provided for the payment of weekly allowances wholly or partly in kind. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative. I may add that on 28th January the live load consisted of 619,686 cases.

Photo of Mr James Griffiths Mr James Griffiths , Llanelly

In his reply the right hon. Gentleman said that the poor industrial record is not taken into consideration. Will he consider certain cases, if I send him particulars, in which the officer admitted that the only reason why relief in kind had been given was because of the poor industrial record of the applicant?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

I should be glad to have particulars of any case. The hon. Member will understand that in each case there is the right of appeal.

Photo of Mr Jack Lawson Mr Jack Lawson , Chester-le-Street

Do I understand that over 600,000 have been paid in kind?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

No, Sir. Out of 619,686 cases getting allowances only 733 have had assistance in kind.

Photo of Mr Arthur Jenkins Mr Arthur Jenkins , Pontypool

Can the right hon. Gentleman say what factors other than the applicant's industrial record are taken into consideration?

Photo of Mr Ernest Brown Mr Ernest Brown , Leith

It would take too long to give the answer in reply to a question, but I will send it to the hon. Member, or circulate it in the Official Report.