– in the House of Commons on 6 February 1939.
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he intends to invite representatives of farm workers in England and Scotland to confer with him in the preparation of a long-term agricultural policy;...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the recent case in connection with the revised Bacon Marketing Scheme under which a single pig was despatched by itself...
asked the Minister of Agriculture how many attested herds there are in the county of Carmarthen up to date; how many herds are waiting to be tested; what is the cause of the delay in testing;...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has considered representations from egg-producing organisations as to the uneconomic price of English eggs, National Mark eggs having fallen 3s. per...
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has any statement to make about the flood danger in the Fens; what progress has been made since March, 1937, in flood precautions; and whether the...