Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland. – in the House of Commons at on 25 July 1935.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether Scottish education authorities appreciate the advantages of parents' days and school exhibitions as a means of enlisting public understnding of and interest in the work of the schools; and to what extent such arrangements have been carried out in practice?
Yes, Sir. Education authorities are increasingly turning their attention to parents' days and school exhibitions to which my right hon. Friend attaches great importance. During the past year 12 special exhibitions have been held in different parts of Scotland, including the city of Glasgow and the counties of Kirkcudbright, Fife and Orkney. In addition, the Edinburgh authority have appointed a committee to organise an education week in the near future and many other authorities throughout Scotland have held exhibitions and parents' days at individual schools. All these exhibitions and parents' days have aroused great interest in the localities.