Contributory Pensions Act.

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture. – in the House of Commons at on 22 July 1935.

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Photo of Miss Eleanor Rathbone Miss Eleanor Rathbone , Combined English Universities


asked the Minister of Health the numbers, respectively, of unmarried women and girls who are contributors to the old age, widows', and orphans' contributory pensions scheme, and of unmarried women drawing old age pensions under the scheme; and whether he is satisfied that the benefits ultimately accruing to this class of contributors represent a fair return for the amounts contributed by them?

Photo of Mr Duff Cooper Mr Duff Cooper , Westminster St George's

I have been asked to reply. As regards the first part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave on the 3rd July to the hon. Member for Central Edinburgh (Mr. Guy). As regards the second part, I see no reason to doubt the fairness of the basis adopted in the Acts.