I have to acquaint the House that this House has this day attended His Majesty in the House of Peers, and His Majesty was pleased to make a Most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, of which for greater accuracy I have obtained a copy, which is as followeth:
The maintenance of world peace does not cease to give My Government the most anxious concern. They will continue to make the support and extension of the authority of the League of Nations a cardinal point of their policy. They earnestly trust that the general work of the Disarmament Conference may be actively resumed in a political atmosphere more favourable to the attainment of definite results. In the meantime, strenuous efforts will be made to secure international agreement on such matters as are capable of separate treatment.
The Report of the Joint Committee of both your Houses on Indian Constitutional Reform is about to be placed in your hands, and it will be the duty of My Ministers to lay before you their legislative proposals for the future government of India. I pray that both your Houses, upon whom now rests the responsibility of deciding these issues, may approach the task which lies before them with the single aim of furthering the well-being of My Empire.
My Ministers, in conjunction with the local authorities, are pressing forward with the task of clearing the slums in regard to which the national conscience has been so deeply stirred. So great a measure of progress is being attained that My Ministers are able to contemplate the next step in the process of improving the housing conditions of the people. A Bill will accordingly be submitted to you for preventing overcrowding and making provision for the rehousing of those found to be living in overcrowded conditions.