Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at on 28 June 1933.
Oh, yes, but at any moment he can become a registered producer. The hon. Member has made reference to the Minister of Transport's special interest in the question of store pigs. The hon. Member for Westmorland (Mr. Stanley) will be able to take advantage of Section 22, on page 4:
Any producer who desires to sell pigs neither to curers nor to the board shall be exempt from registration and from the operation of this scheme.
Anyone who desires to sell store pigs will not be prevented by the operation of this scheme, which affects fat stock and not store stock. As to the Wholesale Co-operative Society, the Lane Fox Commission say on page 57 of their Report:
The Pig Industry Development Board should be the instrument for preparing and supervising the plan of rationalisation.
I hope the Co-operative Wholesale Society, and other factories, will seriously consider transferring part of their output to this country. I hope very much also that the authorities will take a sympathetic view of any desire on their part to transfer skilled men as well as plant to this country whereby we can get the
bacon industry founded more firmly in this country.