Oral Answers to Questions — Empire Settlement (Women).

– in the House of Commons at on 24 July 1929.

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Photo of Mr Walter Baker Mr Walter Baker , Bristol East


asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether openings exist in the Dominions for women immigrants; and, if there is a demand overseas for women from this country, what steps are being taken to meet the demand and to encourage migration, by financial assistance or otherwise, in this particular connection?

Photo of Mr Arthur Ponsonby Mr Arthur Ponsonby , Sheffield, Brightside

Yes, Sir, and there is every indication that the demand especially for single women trained for household employment is practically unlimited. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom is keenly alive to the importance of the migration of women. Free or assisted passages to the Dominions are available for women as well as men. Through the Women's Branch of the Oversea Settlement Department and local migration committees information is freely available, speakers for meetings are supplied, and free literature distributed. The Government has also co-operated in establishing domestic training centres in this country, and further centres are being opened. Arrangements are made in co-operation with the Governments, voluntary organisations and private residents in the Dominions for the reception and aftercare of women. I am considering further methods of drawing attention to the openings for women, and the most effective means of stimulating this particular branch of migration.

Photo of Mr Walter Baker Mr Walter Baker , Bristol East

Can my hon. Friend give comparable figures for men and women since the passing of the Empire Settlement Act, 1922?

Photo of Mr Arthur Ponsonby Mr Arthur Ponsonby , Sheffield, Brightside

Since the passing of the Empire Settlement Act, 1922, 105,000 odd men have sailed and under 85,000 women.