First Schedule. — (PART I.: Statutory Provisions regarding Functions of Town Councils of small burghs transferred to County Councils.)

Part of Orders of the Day — Local Government (Scotland) Bill. – in the House of Commons at on 26 April 1929.

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Photo of Mr John Gilmour Mr John Gilmour , Glasgow Pollok

I may explain that the functions under the Explosives Acts and also under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Act, 1928, except Section 11, which is referred to in the next Amendment on the Paper, are administered by the police, and these areas are in future to have an independent police force. There is no financial question involved, as the amounts received and expended under these Acts are very trivial. Section 11 of the Petroleum (Consolidation) Act is an amenity provision, which should properly remain with the small burghs, and is, therefore, exempted from transfer, but I think that, on consideration, hon. Members will agree that this is a wise provision.