– in the House of Commons at on 9 December 1926.
Captain BENN:
52.asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what are the total receipts from the duty imposed upon imported gas mantles for the first six months of the present year and for a subsequent period to any convenient date, respectively; and how these figures compare with the estimates of the yield of the duty framed by his Department?
The total receipts from the duty on imported gas mantles for the first six months of the current financial year were £5,600. The receipts for the succeeding months of October and November were £1,700. The estimated receipts for the whole of the current financial year were £10,000. The receipts of duty up to the present time are therefore pro rata slightly in excess of the Budget Estimate, which was published in the Financial Statement for 1926–27.
No, Sir.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say if this industry has benefited or otherwise by the imposition of these duties?
I must have notice of that question.