Oral Answers to Questions — League of Nations. – in the House of Commons at on 28 July 1924.
asked the Prime Minister whether any other Powers affiliated to the League of Nations have as yet decided on their attitude towards the proposed Treaty of Mutual Assistance; and, if so, what their attitude is?
Belgium, Bulgaria, Esthonia, Finland and Latvia have expressed themselves generally in favour of the Draft Treaty, though Belgium and Finland have made many suggestions for amendment. The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and the United States have declared themselves unable to accept it. I am not aware that any other foreign country has expressed its views as yet.
Is it not a fact that the French Government has declared its acceptance of the Treaty?
No; it is not a fact.
Is it not a fact that at the Assembly before the last one the French delegates did so declare themselves?
I do not know about the French delegates. The question was about the French Government—two distinct things, especially now.