– in the House of Commons on 28 July 1924.
15. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will reconsider the composition of the British delegation to the forthcoming assembly of the League of Nations, in order that he...
25. asked the Prime Minister whether the conference upon disarmament, which he has suggested to the League of Nations, will be summoned directly by His Majesty's Government, or whether he...
28. asked the Prime Minister whether any other Powers affiliated to the League of Nations have as yet decided on their attitude towards the proposed Treaty of Mutual Assistance; and, if so, what...
33. asked the Prime Minister whether the representatives of His Majesty's Government at the Assembly of the League of Nations will be instructed to raise the question of the private manufacture...
16 and 17. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether the draft Commercial Treaty with Russia now completed; and is it proposed to submit it for signature by the Russian...
19. asked the Prime Minister whether he will grant time for the discussion of the Motion standing in the name of the hon. Member for Melton, or what action he proposes to take in this...
20. asked the Prime Minister whether, with a view to binding the Empire more closely together, he will favourably consider inviting the Dominions to appoint representatives to a conference to be...
21. asked the Prime Minister whether the answers of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to the questions submitted to it regarding the Irish Boundary Commission will, when given, be...
22. asked the Prime Minister why the Government has permitted the sale of Government houses and other property at Gretna?
24. asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the increased cost of living which has been taken into consideration in the salaries paid to civil servants and others, His Majesty's Government...
27. asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the desirability of introducing legislation to enable the creation of peerages for life?