Mental Cases (Pensions Allowances).

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy. – in the House of Commons at on 18 June 1924.

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Photo of Mr Bertram Falle Mr Bertram Falle , Portsmouth North


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what portion of pension is paid to the wife or dependants of a naval rating who is certified insane and sent to the mental hospital at Great Yarmouth, and whose disability is considered to be due to service?

Photo of Mr Charles Ammon Mr Charles Ammon , Camberwell North

I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given on the 29th April and 7th May last, in which it was stated that the pensions are withheld and appropriated to the cost of the maintenance. This is the practice whether the invaliding disability is attributable to the service or not. The men's wives, or persons having charge of their children, are eligible for the grant of a money allowance from Greenwich Hospital funds according to a scale varying with the rate of pension. When the pension exceeds 2s. a day the balance is given to the men's wives or persons having charge of their children, and in such cases the money allowance must not be less than 5s. a week.

Photo of Mr Bertram Falle Mr Bertram Falle , Portsmouth North

Does not the hon. Member think that in the cases where the disability is due to service, some difference ought to be made over those in which the disability is not due to service?

Photo of Mr Charles Ammon Mr Charles Ammon , Camberwell North

That is done. We have no knowledge of any attributable cases at Yarmouth. If the hon. Member has any knowledge of any hard cases, I should be glad to look into them.