– in the House of Commons at on 18 June 1924.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether a definite proposal for the elimination of the visa for nationals of the countries associated with the League of Nations has been put before the authorities of the League?
The hon. Member was informed by my predecessor in reply to a similar question put by him on the 20th February last year of the recommendations made at a Conference held in Paris in October, 1920, under the auspices of the League of Nations for the establishment of a uniform practice in regard to the issue of passports, visas, the scale of visa fees and other matters. As a number of the Powers represented at this Conference had not then and have not now adopted these recommendations, it is useless to invite the League of Nations to make suggestions of still wider scope, such as the immediate abolition of the visa.
Seeing that this is the only body which could adequately deal with the matter, would it not be possible to bring it up specifically before the next Assembly of the. League this autumn?
It is a matter now of representation between the different Governments.