– in the House of Commons at on 6 June 1924.
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has any information showing which are the countries in Europe where wages of agricultural workers are regulated; and will he state Whether it is by the State, and what the regulated wages are?
In a number of countries in Europe the wages of agricultural workers are regulated under some system of State control. In Hungary and Esthonia the machinery appears to resemble the Trade Board system in existence in this country. I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT such particulars with regard to the various countries as are in my possession. I have no definite information as to the current rates of wages.
The following is a summary of such information with regard to the regulation of agricultural wages in Europe as are in the possession of my Department:
The particulars have been collected from various sources, and must not be taken as necessarily complete.
Czechslovakia.—Collective agreements (which must be registered with the State Labour Department) must be based on a scheme of labour conditions and scale of wages drawn up annually by the Agricultural Department of the Ministry of Labour. Disputes are referred to joint committees and, if necessary, to arbitration courts.
Esthonia. —Provincial Joint Committees meet every year for the purpose of considering minimum rates of wages and the hours of work, their proposals being submitted to the Ministry of Labour, which communicates them to the National Joint Committee. The National Committee examines and co-ordinates the proposals of the provincial committees, which are then, if approved by the Ministry of Labour, published, and assume the force of law.
Hungary.—Under an Act passed last year, a system is to be established for the fixing of agricultural wages by district committees (comprising representatives of both sides, and an independent president and vice-president). The rates fixed will be enforcible by law. Pending organisation of the new system, the Act empowers the Minister of Agriculture to fix a minimum rate for 1923 and 1924.
Poland.—Disputes arising out of collective agreements are dealt with by joint conciliation and arbitration committees. As a temporary measure, a special arbitration Board was set up in 1921 with power to fix wages and working conditions of agricultural labour, and this Board has continued to function up to the present