British Intervention.

Oral Answers to Questions — Russia. – in the House of Commons at on 25 February 1924.

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Photo of Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy , Kingston upon Hull Central


asked the Prime Minister whether any documents exist showing the extent and cost of the British intervention in the civil war in Russia following the revolution; whether the expenditure by the War Office, Foreign Office, Air Ministry, Admiralty, and India Office, in this intervention, including subsidies to insurrectionary leaders and expenditure of secret service moneys, has been accounted for apart from the normal expenditure of these Departments and services; and whether papers can be laid upon the Table of the House?

Photo of Mr Ramsay Macdonald Mr Ramsay Macdonald , Aberavon

I have nothing to add to the particulars given in Command Paper 772 of 1920, to which I would refer the hon. and gallant Member.

Photo of Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy , Kingston upon Hull Central

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he will reconsider the advisability of having an inquiry into the whole of this business, which has never yet been inquired into?

Lieut.-Colonel J. WARD:

Does the right hon. Gentleman in any way question the term "insurrectionary leaders," seeing that there has been no insurrection in Russia since 1917?