Kenya and Rhodesia (Native Lands).

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants. – in the House of Commons at on 31 July 1923.

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Photo of Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck , Nottingham South


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Government intends to constitute for Kenya and Rhodesia a land board similar to that which exists in Natal, charged with the duties of safeguarding native reserves from encroachment, promoting education, and encouraging the cultivation of the soil?

Photo of Sir Douglas Hacking Sir Douglas Hacking , Chorley

In the case of Kenya the whole question of native land is now under the consideration of the Governor. My Noble Friend the Secretary of State will bear in mind my Noble Friend's suggestion when he has the Governor's views. My hon. Friend the Under-Secretary has dealt, in replies to other questions yesterday and to-day, with native education and cultivation in Kenya. As regards Southern Rhodesia, in view of the settlement now arrived at with the British South Africa Company, the administration of the lands will be in the hands of the new Government, subject to the provisions as to native administration and the Native Reserves contained in Sections 39–47 of the draft letters patent published in Cmd. 1573.