League of Nations.

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants. – in the House of Commons at on 24 July 1923.

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Photo of Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy , Kingston upon Hull Central


asked the Lord Privy Seal when he proposes to make a statement on the recent proceedings of the Council of the League of Nations; and if he will state what is the present position with regard to the collecting of information on conditions in the Saar Valley for the League?

Photo of Lord Robert Cecil Lord Robert Cecil , Hitchin

The hon. and gallant Member will recognise that it does not rest with me to say when any special business shall be taken in this House. A report on the last meeting of the Council was laid on the Table of the House yesterday. The Secretary-General of the League is still responsible, as heretofore, for collecting information on conditions in the Saar territory for the use of the Council.

Photo of Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy Commander Hon. Joseph Kenworthy , Kingston upon Hull Central

But do I understand there is any independent official of the League who enters the Saar Valley to report or inspect?

Photo of Lord Robert Cecil Lord Robert Cecil , Hitchin

There is nothing to prevent his going into the Saar Valley, and, in fact, an official of the League does go into the Saar Valley from time to time.

Photo of Captain William Benn Captain William Benn , Leith

Will the Paper to which the Noble Lord referred be circulated to Members, or lie upon the Table of the House?

Photo of Lord Robert Cecil Lord Robert Cecil , Hitchin

It will certainly be circulated.