Oral Answers to Questions — Post Office. – in the House of Commons at on 2 May 1923.
asked the Postmaster-General how much it would cost, on the basis of present figures, to withdraw the Regulation under which only five words may be written on picture post-cards at the halfpenny rate; whether he has formed any estimate as to the increase in the number of such post-cards which would be sent through the post, and as to the increase in revenue which would accrue to the Post Office if this restriction were removed; and whether, in order to ascertain if the Post Office revenue would be thereby increased, he is prepared to withdraw the Regulation for the present year?
My right hon. Friend regrets that no data are available on which to base the estimates for which the hon. Member asks; but he is not prepared to introduce a reduced rate which would compel the sender of a post-card to have a picture imprinted upon it in order to take advantage of the reduction.
Will the right hon. Gentleman not consider that the circulation of these cards would be enormously increased and the revenue benefit by the suggestion?
I will convey that to my right hon. Friend.