Overcrowding, Poplar.

Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Housing. – in the House of Commons at on 2 May 1923.

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Photo of Mr George Lansbury Mr George Lansbury , Poplar Bow and Bromley


asked the Minister of Health whether he has received a communication from the medical officer of health for the borough of Poplar enclosing a statement of 40 typical cases of serious overcrowding in the borough and specially drawing attention to the fact that in every case a person suffering from tuberculosis is living and sleeping with the men, women, and children existing under these conditions; whether he is aware that the medical officer of health for Poplar, on the instructions of the health committee, has on many occasions made representations to Ministers of Health urging that the law should be put into operation for clearing the slum areas in the borough and that the official reply of the Ministry has always been that the local and national finances did not permit of these unhealthy areas being dealt with; and will he give instructions to one of the officers of his Department to proceed to Poplar and advise the medical officer of health and the borough council what steps they should take in order to deal efficiently with the prevailing conditions, which daily become more deplorable?