Wednesday, 13 July 1983
The House met at half-past Two o'clock
[MR. SPEAKER in the Chair]
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what are his plans to tackle the problem of youth unemployment in Inverclyde.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he will be meeting the Confederation of British Industry in Scotland to discuss the state of the engineering industry.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many qualified doctors and nurses in Scotland are known to be unemployed by reason of being unable to find employment in their professions.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is considering any change in the length of the school year or the school week.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps he intends to take to alleviate the unemployment problem in Glasgow.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what reply he has made to the representations made to him by the Kirkcaldy district council concerning the action he intends to take against the council...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he expects an upturn in the economy in Scotland and in Lanarkshire in particular; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has any proposals for improving the arrangements for the government of Scotland.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will arrange a meeting with the Borders regional council to discuss the effects of public expenditure cuts on local services in the Borders region.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he expects to receive the report of the Sea Fish Industry Authority on the marketing of fish; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he has any plans to use his powers under section 5 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966 as amended.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will withdraw his circular No. 925 in order that all profoundly mentally handicapped schoolchildren may have access to fully qualified teaching...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what new initiatives he proposes to introduce to reduce the number of people unemployed in Scotland.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he is having with local authorities in Scotland over future central Government contributions towards the funding of local government...
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the total acreage of ground sites and premises available for sale or rent in the Gear area of Glasgow.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the total value of grants made towards projects in Scotland by the European regional development fund since its inception in 1975.
asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland if he will review the criteria used to determine whether to bring a prosecution under the stated case procedure in cases where a successful prosecution...
asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland what was the total cost to public funds of the recent trial of the Fife area health board laboratory employees; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland what subjects he expects to discuss at his next meeting with the Scottish Law Commission.
asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland whether he will initiate a study in his Department into the way in which the Crown Office proceeds in cases involving a charge of rape and, in particular,...
asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland what discussions he has had with the Law Society of Scotland on the reciprocity of application of Scottish family law in the United Kingdom.
asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland what proposals he has for improving the operation of the Crown Office and other departments under his control.
Ordered,That, at this day's sitting, if proceedings on the motion relating to the death penalty have not been previously disposed of, Mr. Speaker shall at Ten o'clock put the Question on any...
It will be no surprise to the House that more than 60 right hon. and hon. Members have made clear their wish to speak in this important debate, and there may be even more. I wish to call as many...
Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Donald Thompson.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.