Tuesday, 30 November 1965
The House met at half-past Two o'clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
Read the Third time and passed.
Address for Return,showing the number of offences relating to motor vehicles in England and Wales, the number of persons prosecuted for such offences, statistics of court proceedings and the...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether she will endeavour, in suitable cases, to arrange short training courses for voluntary service overseas personnel soon after their arrival in...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether it is her intention to provide a further British contribution to the International Development Association when the present funds of the...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development, what increase or decrease there was in the staff of the Department under her control in the period 16th October, 1964 to 15th October, 1965; and what...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development, what contribution Great Britain will make to Pakistan's third Five Year Plan.
asked the Minister for Overseas Development what contribution Great Britain will make to India's fourth Five Year Plan.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what discussions she had with the Kenya Ministerial delegation on the effects of the drought in Kenya this year; and if she will make a statement.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether she will increase the present grant to the Government of Kenya for the purchase of small European mixed farms.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether she is aware that British Farmers in Kenya who have been accepted as compassionate cases are being offered sums that are out of line with the...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development, in view of the interest in the statistics on economic aid published as Appendix B of the White Paper on Overseas Development, showing the nature and...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what grants or loans she has made to India, Pakistan and Kashmir over the past eight months, and what further aid she is contemplating.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what steps she is taking to enable India and Pakistan to avert the famine which they both face as a result of their recent hostilities.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether she will introduce arrangements to provide Government guarantees, up to an appropriate level and subject to suitable safeguards, in respect of...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what grants or loans are now being paid for the use of University College, Salisbury, Rhodesia.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what studies her Department has commissioned of the relative value to less-developed countries of governmental aid and private investment.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development if she will state the annual British contributions to each of the international organisations for the disbursement of multilateral aid since the...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what is the estimated administrative cost of her Department in 1965–66; and what percentage increase this represents over the administrative cost...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what proportion of bilateral aid is currently tied to United Kingdom goods and services; and what is the estimated figure for exports that this tied aid...
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what new arrangements she has made for joint study, with other countries, of the economic needs of the Leeward and Windward Islands.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what proportion of the British national income was supplied in aid, both private and official, in 1964; and what proportion is planned for 1970.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether she will make a statement about the establishment of a development division in the Caribbean.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development what is the total amount of British aid to Kenya, including the amount promised by the four-year farm project.
asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether she will take steps to assist the development of private businesses in under-developed countries by promoting an organisation similar to the...
asked the Minister of Technology if he will now make a statement on the siting of the fast breeder reactor.
asked the Minister of Technology what plans he has for giving assistance to the British computer industry.
asked the Prime Minister what steps he will take to accord with the representations he received from Members of Parliament on 2nd August asking for drastic cuts in arms expenditure much earlier...
asked the Prime Minister what consultations with other Governments have taken place on the question of an embargo on oil shipments to Southern Rhodesia.
asked the Prime Minister what further consideration he has given to the abolition of censorship of stage and television productions.
asked the Prime Minister if he will make a statement about the circumstances in which the Government decided not to employ Lord Beeching's services for the study of transport co-ordination...
asked the Prime Minister whether the public speech of the Postmaster-General at Aberdeen on 14th October on the future of the Post Office represents the policy of Her Majesty's Government.
asked the Prime Minister what restrictions have been placed by Her Majesty's Government on British citizens visiting Southern Rhodesia.
asked the Prime Minister what advice or instructions he gave to the leaders of the fuel industries when he met them on 17th November; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that for more than six years nuclear warheads have been mounted secretly on aircraft and missiles of West Germany and other North Atlantic Treaty...
Bill to amend the law relating to innocent misrepresentations and to amend sections 11 and 35 of the Sale of Goods Act 1893, presented by Sir E. Fletcher; supported by Mr. Jay and the...
Bill to regulate building and constructional work, presented by Mr. Pannell; supported by Mr. Crossman, Mr. Diamond, Mr. Albu, the Attorney-General and Mr. Boyden; read the First time; to be read...
Order for Second Reading read.
[Queen's Recommendation signified]
Order for Second Reading read.
10.30 p.m.
11.19 p.m.
Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Lawson.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.