Monday, 29 November 1965
The House met at half-past Two o'clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
asked the Minister of Health if he will conduct an inquiry into the psychological effects upon adolescent mental patients of placing them in adult wards and into the moral and physical dangers to...
asked the Minister of Health how much has been spent on new adolescent in-patient psychiatric units during each of the last ten years; and how much it is proposed to spend during each of the next...
asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that certain hospitals require student nurses to do three consecutive months on night duty on the wards and that such students do 10 to 11 hours duty...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will reconsider the formula for the provision of geriatric beds in general hopsitals so as to reflect the population structure of the locality, rather than...
asked the Minister of Health what plans he has for providing additional hospital facilities in the West Suffolk towns of Bury St. Edmunds and Haverhill in order to meet the needs of their town...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will give an assurance that the plans for rebuilding St. Thomas's Hospital, London, will proceed as planned and without delay.
asked the Minister of Health how many teaching hospitals and regional hospital boards have sent replies to questionnaires by the Law Commission on Waste as between Landlord and Tenant and on...
asked the Minister of Health what plans exist to overcome the shortage of hospital beds and staff in the Newcastle Regional Hospital Board area.
asked the Minister of Heath when the second and later stages of construction of the new South Shields General Hospital are to be started.
asked the Minister of Health if he will now make a statement on his review of the hospital building programme.
asked the Minister of Health what factors determine the percentage of pay beds allocated to the general hospitals now being built.
Mr. Clifford Williams: asked the Minister of Health if he will give details of circumstances since the publication of the 10-year plan for hospital development for Wales which will eliminate the...
asked the Minister of Health how many persons in the Midland region are registered in need of treatment provided by the artificial kidney unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham; how many...
asked the Minister of Health to what extent the provision of private beds in the general hospitals in North-East Essex reflects the high percentage of retired people within the area, or to what...
asked the Minister of Health to what extent the cutback in the Government's review of the hospital building programme is reflected in current and planned capital projects for North-East Essex.
asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the shortage of chiropodists in Staffordshire for the implementation of an extended service for young people there, under the County Council's...
asked the Minister of Health if he will withdraw contraceptive pills from general circulation until the investigation of the Dunlop Committee into their possible side-effects has been completed.
asked the Minister of Health how many cases of venereal disease were reported among school children in the past school year; and how many have been reported in the current school year.
asked the Minister of Health if he will make a statement on the report of the Brain Committee on Drug Addiction.
asked the Minister of Health what progress has been made with a national cervical cancer screening service for all women at risk.
asked the Minister of Health if he will review Ministry of Health Circulars H.M. (68) 104 and H.M. (63) 37 and remove the discrimination contained therein against second-year nursing cadets.
asked the Minister of Health in view of the misleading and inaccurate information distributed widely by opponents of fluoridation of water supplies, whether he will grant sufficient money to the...
asked the Minister of Health what representations he has received from local health authorities on the compilation and use of an At Risk register; and what advice he has offered on the subject.
asked the Minister of Health what plans he has for the provision of birth control appliances and advice as part of the National Health Service.
asked the Minister of Health if he will undertake a national campaign against obesity.
asked the Minister of Health whether in the interests of encouraging economy in prescribing, he will put a limit on the period covered by any one prescription, save in exceptional circumstances.
asked the Minister of Health how many merit awards to consultants have been withdrawn since the inception of the awards scheme.
asked the Minister of Health if he will review the present methods employed by his Department to keep general practitioners fully informed of new drugs.
asked the Minister of Health what representations he has received regarding the delay in building a new junior training centre for mentally-handicapped children in the Wellingborough area; and if...
asked the Minister of Health what action he proposes to take to protect general practitioners from formal complaints made against a deputy acting within authorised arrangements.
asked the Minister of Health how many residential homes for mentally-subnormal children are under the charge of his Department; where they are located; how many children were in them at the...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will take steps, in the case of disabled National Health Service patients who buy cars at their own expense without surrendering the invalid tricycles...
asked the Minister of Health what is the total sum now outstanding for the ultimate settlement of all claims for medical practices compensation under Section 36 of the National Health Service Act...
Mr. W. T. Williams: asked the Minister of Health if he will inquire into the reason why an ambulance from Whiston, a distance of some five miles away, was sent to a motor cyclist injured during...
asked the Minister of Health what action is being taken to support the research into the refinement of large and expensive hospital kidney-treatment machines into small, compact and cheap home units.
asked the Minister of Health how many applications for group practice building grants he has received within the area of the South-West Regional Hospital Board; and how many of these he has...
Mr. Buchan: asked the Minister of Health if he will take further action on cigarette advertising, particularly with regard to methods involving free distribution, details of which have been sent...
asked the Minister of Labour if he will introduce legislation to ensure that redundancy terms and length of notice are subject to consultation with the trade unions before public announcements of...
asked the Minister of Labour if he will state the courses and number of places available in the Government training centres at Felling and Tursdale, respectively; and to what extent further...
Mr. Speaker, with permission, I would like to make a statement. I have now completed my study of the Report into the Inquiry into the FadaFionn and Laidon hydro-electric schemes. The Report is...
3.42 p.m.
Ordered,That the Proceedings on the Housing (Slum Clearance Compensation) Bill may be entered upon and proceeded with at this day's sitting at any hour, though opposed.—[Mr. Crossman.]
Resolution reported,That. for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to amend Part II of Schedule 2 o the Housing Act 1957 it is expedient to authorise the payment out of moneys provided...
Considered in Committee.
10.13 p.m.
I beg to move Amendment No. 7, in page 2, line 4, after "instalments" to insert: (i) shall not apply to mortgages, charges and agreements in favour of a local authority and any reference in the...
Select Committee appointed to whom shall be referred all Petitions presented to the House, with the exception of such as are deposited in the Private Bill Office, and that such Committee to...
Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Harper.]
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And sometimes to shout at each other.