Wednesday, 24 November 1965
The House met at half-past Two o'clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
Read the Third time and passed.
Read the Third time and passed.
Considered; to be read the Third time Tomorrow.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what forces he has immediately available for home defence, other than the Territorial Army; and what is the present strength of these forces as a...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement about Her Majesty's Government's decision not to allow persons with a non-British born parent or a British naturalised parent...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the future of the Fleet Air Arm.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what increase or decrease there was in the staff of the Department under his control in the period 16th October, 1964 to 15th October, 1965; and what...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence when the promised White Paper on the Reorganisation of the Territorial Army will be published.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement about the report of the working party which has been inquiring into the wreck of the ss." Richard Montgomery "lying off Sheerness.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence when the Defence Review will be published.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many volunteer reserve units there will be in future in the Highlands and north of Scotland.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether he is aware that the British Army Primary School at Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan, Malaysia, is closing down; and what arrangements are being made...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what economies he hopes to make as a result of the reorganisation of defence commitments; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether he will make a statement on the future rôle of the Royal Navy.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give an undertaking that the Dorset Regiment, however reorganised, will be preserved.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence when the beaches of Trimingham and Sidestrand will be open to the public; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is satisfied with the arrangements to ensure the accuracy in the sales particulars of properties offered at public auction by his department, in...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what estimate he has made of the cost of piping British television to Her Majesty's forces in Germany.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what modifications there have been in the Government's proposals for an Atlantic Nuclear Force.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many men employed by his Department at former Air Ministry establishments are registered as dilutee metal working craftsmen; and how many have upwards...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many Regular Army officers and non-commissioned officers, shown separately, would be prematurely retired as a result of the reorganisation of the...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence, what financial account he has taken of the added cost to other Government departments of providing the necessary command structure, communications and...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is aware of the unsatisfactory state of some of the ambulances serving the forces stationed in Germany; and what early action he is taking to...
Mr. Gresham Cooke: asked the Secretary of State for Defence what assistance the Meteorological Office gives to the British Broadcasting Corporation in the compilation of weather forcasts on...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether firm production orders for the Kestrel and the Maritime Comet have now been placed.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what decision he has made concerning the purchase of the F111A; and if he will make a statement about the progress made with the Royal Air Force Phantom.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many drill halls in Kent are used exclusively for Territorial Army purposes; and how many will be released for civil social purposes subsequent to the...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is aware of the connection between the disappointing recruiting figure for the last few months and the present state of pay and conditions of...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has for any further amalgamation of regiments, battalions or units of the Regular Army.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is satisfied with the measures being taken to safeguard Gurkha recruiting in the unsettled conditions which now exist in the Indian sub-continent;...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence the average length of tour of major units of the Army in the British Army of the Rhine.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what proportion of major units of the Army is serving on unaccompanied overseas tours.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what study he has made of, and what military lessons have been learned from, the recent hostilities between India and Pakistan.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence, in view of his decision to buy United States aircraft, what representations he has made to the United States Defence Department against their decision to...
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what discussions are taking place on the principle of establishing a single staff college for the three Services.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will publish a list of those infantry brigades converting to large regiments within the next 12 months; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on his Department's policy with regard to the ordering of ships from the Fairfield shipbuilding yard.
Mr. Hamilton: asked the Lord President of the Council whether, in order to provide for full debate, he will seek to arrange for the Orders arising from the Southern Rhodesia Bill to be taken at...
asked the Attorney-General if he will instruct the Director of Public Prosecutions to institute proceedings for obscene libel against the British Broadcasting Corporation, as a result of the...
asked the Minister without Portfolio if he is aware that serious libels are regularly perpetrated under the cover of the limited liability company structure, in circumstances where the injured...
asked the Minister without Portfolio whether he is aware of the hardship that may be caused to a widow abandoned by her late husband as a consequence of the strict time limits of the Inheritence...
The following Questions stood upon the Order Paper:
With permission, I will make a statement. I told the House on 21st July of my proposals for a further round of production licences to search for and get oil and gas on the Continental Shelf, and...
I beg to give notice——
Mr. Buck rose——
Mr. Patrick Wall.
3.52 p.m.
11.10 p.m.
12.32 a.m.
Select Committee appointed to examine the Reports and Accounts of the Post Office and of the Nationalised Industries established by Statute whose controlling Boards are appointed by Ministers of...
Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Ifor Davies.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.