Wednesday, 18 December 1963
The House met at half-past Two o'clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
The VICE-CHAMBERLAIN OF THE HOUSEHOLD reported Her Majesty's Answer to the Address as follows:
Return ordered,containing a technical statement by the Building Research Station on the collapse of a building under construction at Aldershot with an explanatory introduction."—[Mr. Rippon.]
asked the Postmaster-General when it is intended to improve the present unsatisfactory reception of the British Broadcasting Corporation television in the Aysgarth and Leyburn area; and what the...
asked the Postmaster -General whether he will consult the Independent Television Authority with a view to the curtailment of advertising, particularly in children's viewing time, directed at children.
asked the Postmaster-General what progress is being made towards the establishment of a colour television service in this country; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Postmaster-General if, with a view to preventing licence evasion, he will introduce legislation to compel all retailers of wireless and television sets to report each sale or rental to...
asked the Postmaster-General how many microwave relay stations have been, or are being, con- structed in Scotland; and what proportion of the additional 37 such stations to be constructed in the...
asked the Postmaster-General if he will consult the Cinematograph Films Council about the terms and conditions for the exhibition of feature films on experimental pay-television services.
asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the inadequate public telephone facilities on the Caerau and Ely Racecourse housing estates in Cardiff; and what steps he proposes to take.
asked the Postmaster-General how many private telephones in Aberdeen are in use; how many applicants are on the waiting list; and how these figures compare with those for each of the last 10...
asked the Postmaster-General if he will seek powers to make it illegal to use the telephone service for the purposes of general sales and advertising promotions in respect of private residences.
asked the Postmaster-General what special action he intends to take to reduce the waiting lists for telephone installations by providing more telephone facilities in the districts designated as...
Mr. J. Wells: asked the Postmaster-General whether he will consult the Minister of Transport with a view to providing more emergency telephone services on motorways in remote country districts...
Mr. Gresham Cooke: asked the Postmaster-General why the number of no pick-up calls is increasing on the Feltham exchange; and what steps are being taken to improve the position.
asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that the Kirkcaldy Telephone Exchange is in a growth area as designated in the White Paper on Central Scotland; and what steps he intends to take to...
asked the Postmaster-General what proportion of telephone subscribers in Scotland enjoy subscriber trunk dialling facilities; and by how much that proportion will increase in the next three years.
asked the Postmaster-General how much of the proposed £900 million to be invested in the inland telephone service in the next five years will be invested in Scotland.
asked the Postmaster-General to what extent he continues to pay regard to non-commercial considerations in the provision and siting of public telephone kiosks.
asked the Postmaster-General whether he will now indicate an earlier completion date of the necessary work in the Stockport and Marple exchange telephone areas in order to connect the 205...
asked the Postmaster-General on what date he intends to begin work to convert the Wallington, Surrey, telephone exchange from manual to fully-automatic working.
asked the Postmaster-General where in Shotts he proposes to erect a Crown post office; and when work will begin on its construction.
asked the Postmaster-General if he will set up a Post Office factory in North Lanarkshire, for the repair and maintenance of telephone and telecommunication instruments; and if he will make a...
asked the Postmaster-General what consideration he has given to the possibility of the Post Office itself producing in one or more of the vacant factories in the North East some of the telephone...
asked the Postmaster-General if he will install a post office to serve the Wyrley Birch and Brookvale estates in Erdington, Birmingham.
asked the Postmaster-General what part the Post Office is to play in the development of a universal satellite communications system.
asked the Postmaster-General what proportion, in money terms, of the provision of trunks and junctions, subscribers' circuits, and local lines over the next five years will be categorised as...
asked the Postmaster-General what plans he has for increasing purchases of telephonic equipment in Scotland in the next few years.
asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware of the inadequate post office facilities in the Vicarage Lane area of East Ham; and what proposals he has to remedy the situation.
asked the Postmaster-General what reports he has received about the effect of increased book postage charges on the export of British books to foreign countries.
asked the Postmaster-General which local post offices in Scotland have approached the local education authority to obtain the release of children from school to assist in Christmas postal work.
asked the Postmaster-General on how many occasions since September thefts have taken place of moneys in transit by mail.
The following Questions stood upon the Order Paper:
The hon. and learned Member for Northampton (Mr. Paget) has a point of order which I understand he wishes to raise with me.
With your permission, Mr. Speaker, and that of the House, I wish to make a statement on public expenditure. In the debate on the Address I gave some figures illustrating the prospective growth...
Order for Second Reading read.
6.2 p.m.
Question again proposed, That the Bill be now read a Second time.
[Queen's Recommendation signified]
10.46 p.m.
Order for Second Reading read.
[Queen's Recommendation signified]
Order made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department extending Section 1 of the Sunday Entertainments Act, 1932, to the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed [copy laid before the House, 9th...
Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—[Mr. Finlay.]
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